To install Granary, you need NodeJS installed on your machine, we recommend using at least v11.4+
. NodeJS comes standard with a package manager called NPM which can be used to install Granary - just run the command below to install the latest pre-alpha
version cli, or scroll further down for the starter kit setup.
CLI installation
Using NPM:
npm install --global --unsafe-perm @stove-labs/granary@pre-alpha
Using Yarn:
yarn global add @stove-labs/granary@pre-alpha
flag installs Granary globaly on your system, it might requiresudo
permissions depending on your installation of NodeJS.
Confirm that your installation was successfull by checking for the --version
of Granary:
granary --version
> 1.0.0-pre-alpha.12 #example version
Docker setup
The only additional dependency is Docker 🐳, which Granary uses to encapsulate all of the tools you might need for development. We personally run Docker Desktop v2.x.x.x
⚠️ Don't forget to start Docker before trying any other commands.
After installing, you can confirm that your Docker socket is available by running:
curl --unix-socket /var/run/docker.sock http://localhost/v1.37/ve
Starter kit
If you're starting a new project, and you already have NPM & Docker installed, you can get up & running quiclky using the Granary's starter kit
Troubleshooting common issues
Certain issues might appear while using the pre-alpha version of Granary, don't worry, those will be fixed down the line. For now, if you encounter any of the following errors, here's how you can get rid of them.
Container name is already in use
(node:66975) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Error: (HTTP code 409) unexpected - Conflict. The container name "/granary-tezos-node-s
andbox" is already in use by container "61381b485d074175856f741adeebaa0e60fde9876fdabca909467d2068c9fe01". You have to remove (or rena
me) that container to be able to reuse that name.
# Remove the container all together, and try again
docker rm --force granary-tezos-node-sandbox
Network name already exists
Updating image: stovelabs/granary-tezos-node-sandboxnet
(node:67151) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Error: (HTTP code 409) unexpected - network with name granary already exists
This can happen if you run granary init
multiple times, as it tries to create a new docker network for you to use. Don't worry, it's harmless and will be patched in the upcoming releases.